Friday, August 25, 2006

TNK--report a little late

Tuesday night, Susan and I took the long drive out to the Hugenot Rd. Barnes and Noble and met up with the TNK group. Before we went to knit, we stopped for a quick bite at the new Mexico restaurant off Forest Hill Ave. The food was really good (v. spicy salsa!) Apparently, on Tuesday nights between 6 and 8, a funny man comes to the restaurant to entertain the kids. There were only a few kids there when we went so he made me a penguin out of balloons.

Pretty talented, huh?
I can't decide what Mr. Penguin's name should be, so I think I'll have a contest. The best penguin name gets a skein of natural fiber yarn.
The penguin came with us to TNK and cheered everyone up. Here are Tammy and Debbie:

And Isobel:

We were so busy chatting and having a good time, that I didn't have a lot of pictures. I should have taken pictures of the handmade soap that Robin brought. She makes the best smelling handmade soaps and body treatments. Mmmm mmmm. I am still trying to decide which fragrance is best for me...but in the mean time, my bathroom smells great from giving them a try.

I took a picture of this beagle in front of PetsMart the other day and now I can't remember her name. She's cute, though, huh?

Here's GL at daycare...looking cute as ever. I need to find out who her friend over there is. He's a fluffy fellow.


Anonymous said...

With those lips ----- definitely HOT LIPS!! You can have hot lips in a penguin's cold climate, right???

Anonymous said...

Oh. How. Cute!!!
Maybe name him Art (short for Antartica)