Friday, August 11, 2006

A New Hope...

Ryan came up with an excellent plan to help me curve my yarn buying habits. He called for an intervention today. He made the point that I am merely turning into a yarn collector at this point...and that's not what I want to be! I want to be a knitter! So, the plan is only to buy yarn when I finish a project. A reward for completion, as it were.

So...I have a challenge that lies ahead of me....I am going to NoVA to visit with Gwen next Saturday, the 19th. I would like to buy a little something special from my trip to NoVA since we're going to visit several yarn shops (of course) I am challenged to finish my father's sweater before then. CAN I DO IT?!?!? I am almost done with the left sleeve. If I finish that sleeve tonight and work on the other sleeve all week, I THINK I CAN DO IT!!!

Of course, then there's the matter of the VA Fall Fiber Festival....


Mary said...

Oh yes, I think you can do it!

My plan is that I can't (or at least shouldn't) buy yarn unless I have a specific project in mind for it. Which makes it REAL easy to buy sock yarn! ;-)

Having a Knit Fitt said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a Yarn Collector. Obviously, you were seeking help from the wrong person. Just decide what kind of yarn you are going to collect. For instance, at the moment I am collecting sock yarn ;^)

Robin said...

Tell him you are like a squirrel and you must save up for the know just in case you are snowed in for a month..or two!
Yarn is good...Yarn is good!
Yes, I'm an enabler!

lemmie said...

Enabler #4 here :)

I love your yarn stash! I have no doubt you will make the sweaters you have purchased yarn for :)

Anonymous said...

Remember, I only said you are becoming more of a yarn collector than a knitter. I didn't say there was anything wrong with that. Go ahead, be a squirrel with a nut. Besides, its only one arm, I think you can do it.